Created by Gordon 5 years ago

On a hilarious, fun-packed holiday in Southern Spain, when we laughed till we cried, wet ourselves - or both - Rob, in his infinite wisdom, decided that proprietary sun creams were rubbish.  Much better by far, to get a quicker and deeper tan, was to smother himself in "Mazola" cooking oil (see attached photo!) and sit up on the roof in a temperature of 100 degrees!  After about 10 minutes, he came hurtling downstairs in a blind panic, exclaiming "I'm cooking!".  What did he expect? His skin was bubbling like Welsh rarebit!  Then followed a mad dash to the bathroom.  He eventually managed to rid himself of all the oil - but also succeeded in blocking up the bath and drains in the process!  

This is just one of a series of riotous events on that momentous holiday, during which an inebriated Rob was very lucky not to have been arrested by the Guardia Civil - but that's another story ........ ! 




